Yikes. It’s sure been a while since I last posted anything here. Plenty has happened, no time to write it down. Or something like that. Anyway, one interesting thing – in the context of this here blog, at least – is that I now read comic books on a regular monthly basis again. It started slowly. Check out a series here, pick up a series there. Oh, hey, that graphic novel looks good. Let’s give it a shot. Then it became a small, but steady stream of monthlies. I also discovered digital comics and that allowed me to check out some writers and artists that I was unfamiliar with since my last serious regular buying, which was probably sometime in 1993.

So, it was slow and steady and very fun to begin weekly treks to the local comic shop (LCS). During this time I wasn’t buying many superhero comics as I avoided most monthlies from DC and Marvel as everything seemed to be tied to some big “event” with universe-defining crossovers. I tired of “events” back in 1992; I wasn’t going to use my newly found comic reading time on such nonsense again. So I avoided the Big 2 and stuck to the little guys and comic genres like horror, crime, and monsters. Good stuff really. But I missed the capes and tights.
Then, in September 2011, DC Comics re-launched their entire line of superhero comics, starting each at number 1. Sure, this was just another gimmicky event in many ways, but it also provided me an opportunity to jump right into the action.

Now, 7 months after DC’s “New 52” re-launch, I am completely ensconced in around 40 (!) monthly titles from a half dozen publishers. My plan is to use this blog now as a comic book review/thoughts/essays forum. I’ll, at least, update it weekly with a list of the week’s haul and try to provide timely reviews and thoughts as well. We’ll see how it goes.
Last week's recommendations:
Exile on the Planet of the Apes #1 (Boom)Fantastic Four #604 (Marvel)Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE #7 (DC)Saga #1 (Image) *Pick of the week*This week’s haul:
Eerie Presents: Hunter HC (Dark Horse)Justice League #7 (DC)Planet of the Apes #12 (Boom)Ragemoor #1 (Dark Horse)Rocketeer Adventures 2 #1 (IDW)Wonder Woman #7 (DC)
40 comics a month? What a nerd.
I took a better inventory of what I'm buying after I posted this and it's around 30. I had a few titles I dropped and a few I haven't yet decided to purchase included in the 40 number.
I see, you are only three quarters of a nerd.
When do we get to read some reviews? I am currently buying blind or going on easedropped recommendations from a clerk and customer who were fiercely debating which Spiderman uniform's color scheme was more practical in a crime fighting environment.
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