Wednesday, March 23, 2011

LA MUSE KALLIOPE: Les Musettes and Muzzits Origin Stories

Les Musettes™ are whimsical "Lil' Muses. Les Muzzits™ are little "Lil' Muses" for kids of all ages. So what's their story? Find out on the LA MUSE KALLIOPE blog. Origin stories for both Les Musettes and Muzzits just posted.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Les Musettes Your Personal "Lil' Muses": Valentine Heart Shaped Scallion Pancakes

Les Musettes Your Personal "Lil' Muses": Valentine Heart Shaped Scallion Pancakes: "Scallion pancakes are tasty finger foods great for potluck parties. Best of all, they are easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time and..."