Next comes,Corinna Bechko and John Lucas' tale of an ape boy who meets a young human girl during an ape crackdown on humans. It's a simple yet powerful tale about awareness, empathy, and compassion. The ending adds a sparkle of mischievous hope. My hope is that Bechko has plans for this ape lad in the Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm
The third story is Gabriel Hardman's "The Scroll," which, like the opening story, delves into the past of a known character. Here we see General Aleron from Betrayal and Exile as a Gorilla Private First Class (OK, I may have made up that military title, he was referred to simply as "private") on a mission to liberate some scrolls from and orangutan in hiding. What Aleron finds is eye-opening (and, ironically, eye-closing, as we also find out the reason Aleron wears an eye patch) and again, gives us more perspective on what truly drives Aleron in Betrayal and Exile. Hardman is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists. His action scenes are dynamite: Aleron running to escape an avalanche pops from the page, for example.
The Annual ends with Jeff Parker and Benjamin Dewey's story about Ape City envoys visiting Simian Port, an Ape trading outpost, that's run by a Kurtz-like ape, who defies the creeds from the Ape City tribunalThis story seems equally inspired by Conrad and jungle comics from the 50’s. The revelation of the unknown cargo on a docked ship is smiling-inducing in its cleverness.
Planet of the Apes Annual #1 is remarkable in how, across four stories, it builds upon the known the Apes universe in two of these, and introduces new characters that are ripe for further exploration in the other two. A great read. Highly Recommended